Tree planting schedule
We plant trees every year between November and March. See the list of planned tree planting for 2021-22.
Request for a tree to be planted
Submit your request using our contact us form.
How your request will be scored
There is a number of criteria we will consider when considering your request. Trees will be prioritised in order of the highest score, as the budget allows.
Criteria used to score
- Have more than 50% of the trees or canopy cover on the road or in the area have been lost
- Located within an area identified in the Norwich Surface Water Management Plan – Critical Drainage Catchment areas
- Major routes through or round the city
- Area is of historical importance and has an association with trees, Eaton Park, Elm Hill, etc.
- More than 2 residents in the area have enquired or requested replacement planting
- Friends (or other community) group have enquired about replacement planting
- Area has been identified as an area of social deprivation
- Trees needing replacement in areas identified in the Greater Norwich Green Infrastructure Plan
- Trees adjacent to or forms part of a natural area, local nature reserve, SSSI or county wildlife site (if in line with management plans)
Street scene
- Areas that have been identified as needing traffic calming - introduce 20mph speed limits on residential streets between Heartsease and the UEA including the city centre within the next 2 years.
- Areas with high pollution levels (Air quality management area is with in the inner ring road to manage levels of Nitrogen dioxide)
When the budget has been allocated any outstanding requests will be carried over to the following year.