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Citywide services privacy notices

Antisocial Behaviour Services Privacy Notice

About us

Norwich City Council is the data controller for antisocial behaviour services within Norwich and we have a legal obligation to process your personal information.

You may contact our data protection and information security officer by emailing or by calling 0344 980 3333.

What will we do with your data?

We use it to process requests, answer queries and investigate complaints about these services. We intend to keep your data for seven years as stated in our Retention Schedule available on our website.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request access to your personal information to:

  • ask for errors to be corrected
  • restrict how your information is used
  • object to how it is processed
  • or request that your data is deleted.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office if you are not happy with how your data is processed.

What are the consequences of you not providing data?

If the data is not provided we may not be able to provide services and we may not be able to investigate complaints.

How will we share your data?

Information provided for these services is shared with Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk County Council, Social Services, Children and Adults services including MASH/safeguarding referrals, GP and health professionals including Mental Health, agency support workers, members of the complainant or perpetrator’s family, nominated support for the complainant or perpetrator, fire and ambulance service and NPlaw in order that they may carry out their statutory duties.

Apart from where previously stated, we do not pass your details to third parties unless we are lawfully able to do so for the prevention and detection of crime and fraud, or for the collection of taxes

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