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Norwich group leaders unite against racism

Published on Thursday, 30th June 2016

A statement from Norwich party leaders.

In 2013, following a unanimous vote of Norwich City Council, the leaders of the three political groups signed the following declaration as community leaders:

"We in Norwich are proud of our diverse and multi-racial heritage, which we regard as a source of cultural, social and economic strength. We will work vigorously to combat all forms of racism in Norwich and to enshrine the principle that individuality and universality are the foundations of justice and peace."

Now, as then, there is no case for injustice of any kind in society.
Following Thursday’s referendum result there are members of our community in Norwich who feel fearful about what the future may hold for them in our country.  In some areas of this country, there are people, including children, who find themselves on the receiving end of racist hate mail.  
Importantly we, as people of Norwich, should be reminded and encouraged to take pride in our ethnic and cultural diversity and rejoice in what we can share with and learn from others.  Above all, we should be on our guard against anything or anyone who sets out to destroy it.

As an institution, which is an integral part of city life, we once more declare our abhorrence and utter rejection of any form of injustice and pledge ourselves anew to celebrating cultural diversity and to ensuring that all members of our city feel nurtured and embraced.

Cllr Alan Waters, leader, Norwich Labour Party
Cllr Martin Schmierer, leader, Norwich Green Party
Cllr James Wright, leader, Norwich Liberal Democrats

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