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Your vote matters: check and update your electoral information

Published on Thursday, 29th August 2024

Norwich City Council is reminding residents that now is the time to check their electoral registration details are up-to-date, and to ensure that the council has their correct email address.

The council is writing to Norwich residents via canvass emails or letters.

While it is a legal requirement for residents to provide this information, they must be registered if they want to have a say in who represents them at the next election.

Residents may be used to receiving a paper form in the post to check and confirm their details, but this year, if the council has an email address, residents should have received an email from

If they have, they do not need to wait to receive a form and send it back, as they can check and confirm or amend their details online, using the secure codes within the email.

This makes the process more convenient, reduces postage and printing costs, as well as saving paper.

The next local elections due to take place are Norfolk County Council elections in May 2025 and this is an opportunity for residents to make sure they can take part.

Louise Rawsthorne, chief executive for Norwich City Council said: “Taking a few minutes out of busy schedules is all that’s needed to check your electoral details are up-to-date. Doing that is the best way to make sure you have a say in who represents you in your neighbourhood in next year’s local elections.

"It’s essential that we have accurate information for every household in Norwich to ensure everyone eligible can vote in the upcoming elections. We strongly encourage residents to confirm their details online, as it streamlines the process and helps us save on costs and reduce our environmental footprint. If you haven’t heard from us, you might not be registered. To register, the easiest way is online at”

Recent home movers in particular are urged to check their details. Electoral Commission research has found that recent home movers are less likely to be registered than those who have lived at the same address for a long time. The most recent findings from the Electoral Commission show that in Great Britain 92% of those who have lived in their home for 16 years will be registered, compared with 36% of people who have lived at an address for less than a year.

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