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Council seeks potential partner to run The Halls cultural complex

Image shows The Halls, covered in scaffolding, with hoardings.
Renovation work is under way at The Halls as part of a £5million project.
Published on Thursday, 15th August 2024

Norwich City Council is looking to appoint an organisation or lead partner to take over the day-to-day running of The Halls.

Its iconic cultural complex is currently undergoing a major £5 million renovation project.

The council hopes this approach will enable a new, exciting and coherent vision to be developed for The Halls alongside programming, marketing and box office expertise.  

However, the council may continue to operate The Halls in-house if this option scores more highly against the criteria.

The council’s objectives for The Halls are to:

  • Complement the existing cultural landscape, supporting the wider cultural provision in Norwich and contributing to the Action Plan for Culture and Norwich 2040 Vision to be a creative, fair, liveable, connected and dynamic city.
  • Increase the income generation of The Halls to reduce the operating cost to the council.
  • Enable the city council to act as a responsible steward of the building, a Grade 1 Scheduled Ancient Monument, and maintain it as an asset for continued public use.

Norwich City Council’s Cabinet Member for Prosperity, Culture and Tourism, Councillor Claire Kidman said: “When reopened, The Halls will be a more accessible building, contributing to the growing number of people who enjoy creative and cultural events in the city. The Halls will be a safe, welcoming public space which celebrates diversity and a place the city and all its residents can be proud of. In delivering both, The Halls will contribute to the council’s new community-led corporate plan, ‘We Are Norwich 2024 - 2029’.”

With the renovation works currently under way and progressing well, it is anticipated that the work will be completed ready for the building to reopen in Spring 2025.

Upgrades to the venue include upgraded audio/visual equipment and lighting, a major redesign to improve flow and accessibility, a revamp of the outside space, and an enhanced café and bar offer, turning The Halls into a multi-use performance venue and enabling Norwich to capitalise on the rapidly growing cultural economy in the city.

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