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My Norwich

Meet the newly appointed Lord Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich

Cllr Thomas and Sirajul Islam Published on Friday, 24th May 2024

Norwich City Council welcomed a new Lord Mayor Councillor Vivien Thomas and Sheriff Sirajul Islam, at a formal ceremony at City Hall on Tuesday 21 May.

Both donned their robes and chains to mark the official start of the new civic year 2024-25.

First elected in 2010, Lord Mayor Councillor Vivien Thomas became involved in politics to make a difference to the lives of people in the city. During the ceremony, she said what a ‘privilege’ it had been to serve them as a councillor and that it will be an ‘honour’ to represent them as Lord Mayor.

Having arrived in Norwich 17 years ago, Cllr Thomas spoke of the ‘wonderful decision’ to make this her home, quoting the leader as having said that ‘people who come here fall in love with the place and never want to leave’.

She talked about the importance of closing the gap for those facing ‘stark inequalities’ including people struggling with housing, poverty, and social isolation.

With a lifelong interest in history, the arts and literature, Cllr Thomas hopes to use her time as Lord Mayor make these more accessible to all.

Hailing from humble beginnings in Bangladesh, Sheriff Sirajul Islam is a Chartered Certified Accountant, with his own practice based in Norwich. Father to four children, all studying and working in professional careers, the new Sheriff’s daughter Sadhia will be one of his consorts.

On his appointment, Sheriff Sirajul Islam said: ‘Coordinating the foodbank at Norwich Central Mosque during the pandemic, with the support of ex-Mayor Vaughan Thomas, further strengthened my belief in the importance of community cohesion in elevating people from poverty. Giving back to the community has always been important to me, so the opportunity to be of service to the people of Norwich was Sheriff was not something I could refuse.’

The chosen civic charity this year is The Benjamin Foundation, for children, young people and families. The charity supports over 3,000 individuals across Norfolk and Suffolk.

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