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City council adopts local plan for development in Norwich

Published on Wednesday, 13th March 2024

The Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) has been formally adopted by Norwich City Council, providing a framework for development in the city over the next 14 years.

The GNLP, as the starting point for all planning applications, aims to unlock up to 45,050 new homes and includes targets to create 33,000 new jobs and provide 360 additional hectares of employment land by 2038 across the Greater Norwich area.

As well as being the key document for setting planning policy and allocating sites for development and regeneration, the GNLP will ensure that housing and jobs needs will be met sustainably. This includes supporting the growth of the post carbon economy, making sure we provide the right infrastructure, helping to tackle climate change, and protecting the many environmental assets in our area.

The city council has produced this joint plan with Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council, working in partnership with Norfolk County Council and the Broads Authority. To do this, we have consulted widely with local communities and gone through many planning stages over the last seven years.

South Norfolk Council’s cabinet will examine GNLP adoption on 18 March, with its full council making its decision on 25 March; while Broadland District Council’s cabinet makes its decision on adoption at cabinet on 19 March and at full council on 28 March. All three councils must adopt the plan separately.

The GNLP is now part of the statutory development plan for Norwich. Read Norwich’s Adoption Statement on the GNLP website. There is now a six-week legal period when challenges on the process can be made.

Leader of Norwich City Council, Councillor Mike Stonard said: 

"Last night represented a hugely significant milestone as full council adopted the Greater Norwich Local Plan. Having it in place will increase the confidence that we can give to developers to invest in our area, help deliver sustainable new homes where they are most needed and create good jobs in key economic sectors.

“The plan has been many years in development, working closely alongside our partners in neighbouring councils, and I look forward to seeing our communities reap the benefits."

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