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Making Kett’s Heights more accessible for all to enjoy

Published on Tuesday, 7th November 2023

Kett’s Heights, an open space owned by Norwich City Council, is to be made more accessible-friendly enabling all visitors to enjoy its wooded and garden areas.

The work, which is funded by the Greater Norwich Growth Board through the Infrastructure Investment Fund with a top-up from the city council, is now under way and will run through to January in the new year. The site is closed during this time to ensure public safety due to the use of heavy machinery.

Mainly taking place around the metal gates entrance halfway up Kett's Hill on the B1140, it will include the construction of a new ramped access into the site with the resurfacing of the existing entrance path with resin bound gravel and a widening of the approach with parking for bikes.

The site contains the remains of a medieval chapel and 19th century garden terraces, and is a strategic viewpoint overlooking Norwich, being the hill from which rebel Robert Kett and his 10,000 followers besieged the city in 1549.  

Restoration work was carried out in the 1980s by the city council which works today with the Friends of Kett’s Heights and the Norwich Fringe Project to improve and maintain the site for the enjoyment of the local community and visitors to Norwich.

Norwich City Councillor Adam Giles, cabinet member for communities and social inclusion, said:

“Kett’s Heights is a very special site, with an iconic place in the history of the city. We want to ensure everyone can gain access to it to enjoy its natural beauty and the events, such as heritage open days and tours, which are held there from time to time.”

Norfolk County Councillor Kay Mason Billig, Chair of the Greater Norwich Growth Board, said: “When we talk about growth, people often imagine new houses and business premises and, while these are important, it takes more to make a place a home than just buildings. That’s why I’m delighted that the GNGB has been able to fund these improvements to Kett’s Heights, that will allow many more to enjoy the peace and beauty found there and put this important space at the heart of the local community.”

The Greater Norwich Growth Board is a partnership comprising Broadland District, Norwich City, South Norfolk and Norfolk County Councils together with the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. The Partners have established the GNGB in order to work together, delivering homes, jobs and infrastructure in the area.

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