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City gets set to celebrate the new civic year

Published on Wednesday, 7th June 2023

Civic heads, local community leaders and volunteers will come together this Sunday (11 June) for a traditional event in recognition of the significant contribution they make to city life.

All are welcome to attend this traditional occasion, which will start at 3pm in the front of City Hall (St Peters Street), in honour of the new Lord Mayor, Councillor James Wright and Sheriff, Dr Jan Sheldon.

Rooted in historic pageantry, the dignitaries will be dressed in their respective traditional robes and gowns in a parade that will mark the first occasion the Lord Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich will formally walk through the city to greet residents.

Joined by distinguished guests – academics and other representatives from institutions such as the University of East Anglia, Norwich University of the Arts and City College Norwich, community champions and civic leaders – the civic party, according to tradition, are ‘kept safe’ by Snap the Dragon and the Norwich Whifflers as they process.

The colourful party will move down Gaol Hill, along London Street, then onto Bank Plain and Tombland to arrive at Norwich Cathedral for a service led by its Dean, The Very Reverend Dr Andrew Braddock.

A rolling road closure will mean the roads are closed as the parade approaches between 3pm and 3:30pm.

There will be a collection at the cathedral to raise fund for this year’s civic charity appeal, Norfolk Community Foundation and its Nourishing Norfolk initiative.

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