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Have your say on new measures to tackle anti-social driving

Published on Wednesday, 8th February 2023

Norwich residents are being asked to give their views on proposed new measures to address vehicle nuisance in the city.

Norwich City Council is consulting on proposals to introduce a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to address concerns about anti-social behaviour associated with large congregations of vehicles in various locations. The PSPO would apply to the whole city to avoid displacing a problem to different areas.

PSPOs are used by councils and their partners to deal with anti-social behaviour in their local areas under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

A PSPO enables a local authority to prevent specific activities in public places if they are having a negative effect on people living in the local area. In this case, prohibited behaviours would include aggressive acceleration, racing, stunts, noise from horns/amplified music, and congregating with vehicles in a way that causes nuisance to people nearby.

Anyone found to be breaching the PSPO can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.

If adopted, signage will be placed at known hotspots of vehicle nuisance where the council and police have received the most reports of issues. These include a mixture of residential and retail-based areas.

Councillor Beth Jones, Norwich City Council’s cabinet member for community safety said: “Vehicle nuisance has become a growing issue for the city, and we have worked closely with partners to address and monitor the situation.

“This citywide consultation invites residents to not only provide feedback on our proposals but ask questions and highlight their own experience with any of the issues involved.”

You can take part in the consultation on the council’s consultation and engagement platform, Get Talking Norwich

The public consultation will be open on Wednesday 8 February 2023 and close Friday 24 March 2023.

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