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Celebrating Black History Month in Norfolk

Published on Friday, 30th September 2022

A host of events and activities celebrating the achievements and contributions of black people throughout history are taking place throughout October as part of Norfolk Black History Month.

Events in the city include ‘Norwich: A Black History’ walking tours and a range of performances at Norwich Theatre Royal and Playhouse. There are also county wide events and online workshops.

Norwich City Council is supporting the delivery of this year’s initiative with funding from its annual culture grant scheme; its ninth year of involvement with the cause. The funding is being used to support a launch event, publicity, venue hire, volunteer expenses and some workshops.

Norfolk Black History Month is a charitable organisation made up of a small number of volunteers and associate members who work tirelessly throughout the year to engage the community in celebration of black history.

Its aims are to promote knowledge and experience of black people throughout history and share the positive contributions that they have made to society.

Local events form part of international commemorations in October acknowledging the inspirational role of black history in shaping and developing our world in social, artistic, cultural, economic aspects and bringing scientific and technological advancements. Black History Month has been marked in the UK every October since 1987.

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council, said: “It is important to champion black history all year round but Black History Month gives an opportunity for us all to celebrate and acknowledge the wide-reaching contributions of black people throughout history.

“As a council we are delighted to support this cause through our cultural grants scheme, which is intended to help achieve greater innovation and strengthen the cultural sector overall.”

Michael Gyapong, Norfolk Black History Month treasurer said “Our aims are for the public benefit, to promote knowledge and experience of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community history and share the positive contributions that BAME people gave to British society.

“The council funding allows us to get together in October to talk about and educate the communities about black history. It also helps us with our inclusion, diversity and integration agenda and events in Norfolk. This is an important source of funding and we really appreciate this hence Norfolk Black History has grown from strength to strength. It is an important partnership and look forward to working closer together.”

Norwich City Council’s annual culture grant funds activities that support the delivery of the Norwich 2040 City Vision - Creative City objectives in the current financial year.


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