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City households set to receive an energy boost

Published on Wednesday, 13th April 2022

Two new schemes are set to help residents facing rising fuel bills, thanks to investment from Norwich City Council.

The first project, which will deliver solid wall insulation to 45 council homes, targeting those with the lowest energy efficiency, was agreed at a cabinet meeting last week.

This insulation will increase the properties’ energy efficiency to an EPC rating of C. The homes included are currently rated D, E, F and G.

A contract of £1.2m will be awarded to E.On Energy Solutions to carry out the improvements, using funding from the council’s thermal comfort budget and the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation fund.

Tenants at properties selected for this scheme will be contacted directly and the work is due to be completed by April 2023.

Further action to address the issues caused by rapidly rising energy costs includes an initiative to upgrade old boilers in private properties through the council’s Affordable Warmth Grant.

The council will replace boilers that are more than 15 years old with modern, energy efficient, ‘A’ rated boilers, and will also upgrade radiators and provide double glazing where required.

It is estimated that around 65 households could benefit from the new grant. To be eligible for the grant, residents must be a homeowner and in receipt of Council Tax Reduction. Initially, these households will be identified through the council’s Healthy Homes scheme.

Louise Rawsthorne, Norwich City Council’s executive director of community services, said: “We are always seeking new ways to fulfil our commitment to reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency – whether that’s across our council homes or within the private sector.

“These schemes are about making homes warmer while also finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

“But what’s also really important is that we can provide real help to people in the city at a time when energy bills are rising rapidly”.

You can find out more about both of these projects in the social housing decarbonisation and affordable warmth cabinet reports.

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