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Getting you vote ready!

Published on Tuesday, 29th March 2022

The local election – your chance to vote on who represents you at Norwich City Council – will take place on Thursday 5 May. Make sure you are registered, the deadline is Thursday 14 April.

This week, everyone already registered to vote in Norwich should receive a poll card. This will, as well as confirm you are on the voting register, give you information about the date of the election and where your polling station is.

If the details we have for you and others in your household (over the age of 18) are correct, there’s no need to do anything, but if you don’t receive one or the information is wrong, it’s important to let us know by Thursday 14 April at the very latest, so you can have your vote. 

You find out more about the elections, check you are registered, or register on our website – this is especially important if you have moved house recently, or if you are a student living away from home and want to vote locally, even if you also intend to vote at home. 

Seven new polling stations

Please pay special attention to the information about where your polling station is, as your station may have changed since last time you voted.

Some of our new polling stations include a bespoke wedding venue, a public house and part of a city-centre shopping mall. This year we also have a mobile polling station in the parking area of Sloughbottom Park. We do this so we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to vote in a venue close to where they live.

Returning officer, and chief executive, for Norwich City Council Stephen Evans said:
“This May will see, once again, one-third of our councillors’ seats up for election. To make sure you have your say on who the city’s representatives are, you must be registered to vote.

Please also remember to check where your polling station is, as it may have changed since the last elections.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has made new venues available, to help make sure it continues to be as easy as possible for people to get out and vote.”

You can register online at by 14 April.

Key dates

•    Publication of statement of person’s nominated – the list of the candidates standing for election: Wednesday 6 April
•    Deadline to register to vote: Thursday 14 April
•    Deadline to apply for, or cancel, a postal vote: Tuesday 19 April
•    Polling – election – day: Thursday 5 May. 
•    Count – results – day: Friday 6 May. 


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