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Your invitation to a majestic Lord Mayor’s Celebration

LMC22 Published on Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

The people of Norwich are cordially invited to don their finery and take to the streets as the Lord Mayor’s Celebration is set to return for the first time in two years this summer.

Offering a weekend of free entertainment for all ages, the crown jewel in the city’s event calendar will take place from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 July 2022.

Extending the jubilee commemorations, this year’s theme is ‘kings and queens’, with a right royal knees-up planned to celebrate all things regal, from Norwich’s very own Queen of Iceni to Bimini Bon Boulash, and Elvis Presley to Queen Elizabeth II herself. 

This event is the second oldest carnival in the UK, started by the Norwich Guild in medieval times and attracting thousands of residents to join the party ever since. 

Early plans for 2022 include the first ever Community Showcase on The Forum Stage, a skate park in the city centre and, of course, the beloved Lord Mayor’s Procession.

Gentleman’s Walk will become Norwich’s ‘Royal Mile’, with street theatre and performance from the regal to ridiculous lining the street.

There will also be a Friday night paint party, traditional fun fair, street food and music to enjoy in Chapelfield Gardens.

Councillor Alan Waters, leaded of NCC, said: “The Lord Mayor’s Celebration brings so much to the city - a vibrant display of our rich cultural offer and talented members of the community who we have really missed seeing over the past two years.

“I hope lots of local groups and performers will be keen to get back to performing again.”

Join the party

Could your school, community group or business be part of the city’s biggest street party? All entrants will be asked to embrace the ‘kings and queens’ theme – the more imaginative the better. This year’s procession begins at the earlier time of 3pm and follows a new and improved route, with a chance to get together with other participants before you set off.

Deadline for applications is Friday 10 June 2022.

Your time to shine

Performers from across Norfolk are invited to star in the Community Showcase on The Forum Stage. Local performers, dance groups and musicians of all ages can apply from today. (Link)

Closing date for applications is Friday 29 April 2022.

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