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Opening doors to a better economy

Published on Monday, 21st February 2022

A gathering of stories, ideas and artwork from Norwich residents describing life, aspirations, hopes and barriers in Norwich will be available to view at an exhibition at the Forum next week.

‘OPEN DOORS: The Story So Far’ is a special event drawing together contributions towards a programme designed to improve the city’s economy through engaging seldom-heard voices to find out what matters to them.

Contributing to the work of the Norwich Good Economy Commission, OPEN DOORS specifically wishes to welcome and encourage contribution and involvement from sometimes underrepresented members of the community: including unpaid carers, LGBTQ+, younger people, older people, ethnic communities, faith and women in faith communities, and people with disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health difficulties.

Work has taken place over the past year to find out what people think matters to their local economy, including through the use of the ‘New Horizon experiment’ – a collaborative game designed to stimulate analysis of what is most important to building resilient local communities.

The exhibition, which will comprise audio/visual art and installations, poetry, artwork, nature recordings and more, will hope to stimulate further conversations about the local economy and the challenges it brings.

Visitors will be invited to submit their own expressions through writing, drawing or video, and all content will inform further reporting which will be used to make tangible improvements to the local economy.

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council, said: “We are always looking to find new ways of engaging with our communities, and this exhibition is a great opportunity to share the feedback we have received.

“We want everyone to feel they have a voice, and giving people the platform to have their say – however they want to express it - is a hugely important responsibility for us.”

The exhibition will be hosted at The Forum between 28 February and 5 March, from 10am-4pm.

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