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Let us help boost your business

Published on Friday, 15th October 2021

Grants of between £500 and £10,000 are up for grabs for businesses to fund up to 50 per cent of the cost of improvements which help strengthen their existing offer or expand.

So, if you’re confident that giving your premises a makeover, breathing life into an unused space, or maybe introducing card payment facilities or installing WiFi will really make a difference – but you could do with financial support to help make this happen – apply for a Business Growth Grant now!

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council said:

“The last 18 months have been really tough for so many, and this includes small business owners. The way the people of Norwich have endured, adapted and innovated throughout, pulling together as communities has been remarkable.

Now, as the city makes great strides in recovery, we’re committed as a council to continuing to provide support where we can, and this includes a helping hand to fund projects that will really help your business thrive.” 

Applications must be received no later than 31 January 2022.The fund is limited and so the scheme might be closed to new applicants before this date if funding is committed beforehand.

Approved purchases/works must be complete before 18 March 2022.
Priority will be given to projects that:

•    help create new permanent jobs 
•    enhance energy-efficiency and carbon reduction 
•    advance the city’s arts, culture and heritage offer 
•    promote healthy-living through physical activity.

Additional information
We have £950k to fund this scheme and this comes from central government, as part of its Additional Restrictions Grants. It’s the latest funding in a package of support made available to businesses throughout the pandemic.

There were two types of grants we, alongside other councils up and down the country, have been administering:

•    Local Support Grants
These were mandatory grants, with the criteria set nationally by government, for businesses with rateable values (operating from fixed premises) and mandated to close. We’ve awarded a total of £29,084,318 to 1,596 businesses since 11 November 2020.

•    Additional Restrictions Grants
In Norwich, we designed a set of schemes based on local need to fill the gap Local Restrictions Support Grants left. These schemes were for businesses that might not have had a rateable value/fixed premises, nor mandated to close but were dramatically affected. 

To date we’ve awarded more than £4million to 738 business across the city – many of which were small, mobile or freelance. 

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