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East Norwich masterplan moves forward

Published on Wednesday, 8th September 2021

Hundreds of people got involved in future plans for regenerating east Norwich by taking part in recent public engagement, which will feed into the emerging masterplan for the area.  

One of Norwich's eight Town Deal funded projects, the masterplan is central to driving forward the regeneration of this part of the city, which has the ambition to become a new urban quarter, with the potential to deliver 4,000 new homes and 6,000 new jobs. 

With phase one of public engagement now complete, a concept masterplan will be prepared building on the feedback received during the initial ‘listening and learning stage’ – which will be subject to further public engagement.  

Nearly 200 people attended a public drop-in at the historic Carrow Works in July with the opportunity to meet the team and find out more about the master planning process, while others gave their views via an online survey. Workshops were also run for stakeholders.

Linking up the city with The Broads, promoting heritage assets, and protecting biodiversity were just some of the thoughts fed in by members of the public taking part.

Chair of the East Norwich Partnership, Cllr Mike Stonard, said, “I’m absolutely delighted with the response we’ve had for the first engagement phase of the east Norwich masterplan. This is so important in helping us to consider the issues and opportunities presented by the area, helping it to reach its full potential.”

Consultants, Avison Young, Allies + Morrison, Hydrock and RPS, are working on producing the masterplan– which is being steered by the East Norwich Partnership – a public-private body composed of a number of key stakeholders. The work is being funded from a mixture of Town Deal funding from the government, as well as public and private funding from members of the partnership.

The next stage of engagement is planned for October and November and will include stakeholder workshops, public drop-in events and an online survey.

Read more about Phase 1 of public engagement.

Notes for editors

The East Norwich Partnership is a public-private body established specifically to bring forward the comprehensive and coordinated regeneration of the East Norwich area, ensuring that critical infrastructure is delivered to the benefit of the city.  The membership of the Partnership is as follows:

  • Homes England
  • New Anglia LEP
  • Norwich City Council
  • Norfolk County Council
  • South Norfolk and Broadland Council
  • Utilities Site Owner
  • Deal Ground Owner
  • Carrow Works Owner / Contracted Private Sector Developer
  • Carrow House Owner
  • Network Rail

Read more about the east Norwich regeneration project

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