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Further financial support for businesses during new restrictions

Published on Wednesday, 11th November 2020

Businesses required to close during the current period of national restrictions are being urged to get their applications in for financial support.

Councils have received funding from central government to award to businesses which had to shut their doors on 5 November. The application process for qualifying city businesses is now live.

This is for businesses with premises in the non-domestic rating listing: non-essential retail, hospitality, leisure, entertainment and personal care sectors. These businesses can apply for a one-off payment for the four-week period of national restrictions (Thursday 5 November to Wednesday 2 December) as detailed below:

• £1,334 – for those with properties with a rateable value (RV) of £15,000 or under
• £2,000 – where RVs are between £15,001 and £50,999
 £3,000 – RVs of £51,000 or above.

Businesses can apply for the grant now by visiting the ‘Business support’ section of our website.

If your business has remained open during this time, or you have chosen to close but are not required to do so, you will not be eligible for this grant, but you may be entitled to other support.

Those who have been required to close the main part of their business or service, but may be offering click and collect or delivery options – for example pubs and restaurants offering collection or delivery – are eligible.

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council, said: “We know this period of national restrictions will have come as a major blow to many businesses, particularly after the hard work you’ve put into starting to get back on your feet. This is not only for businesses owners – there’s a far wider, knock-on impact on those people who rely on your services, as well as your employees.

“This funding is there for you to help ease the financial pressure so please apply and help spread the word to others who might be entitled.”

Cllr Waters added: “If you’re self-employed, or if your business has not been required to close but has taken a severe financial hit – you have not been forgotten. There are further grants you could be eligible for coming very soon.”

Visit the government’s website for further information about the criteria for eligibility. The full list of businesses permitted to be open and those required to close has been published on the government’s website.

Further grants coming soon: Additional Restrictions Grants

For businesses which:

• do not have a rateable value – this includes people who are self-employed and, for example rent a chair in a hair or beauty salon
• may not have been required to close, but have been severely impacted during this national restriction period
There will be an opportunity to apply for support through an Additional Restrictions Grant. We will publish details, including how to apply, very soon.
There will be further grants available for also businesses in the city which:
• were required to close in March and have not been able to re-open, such as nightclubs
• might be required to close as part of local restrictions – if Norwich, were to be moved into a high or very high category after this national restriction period ends.

As soon as we have full details of these, we will publish them, so keep an eye on our website and social media.

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