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Weekly update on the city’s response to COVID-19

Published on Friday, 17th April 2020

We want to make sure residents and businesses in Norwich are kept well informed about the impact of coronavirus on essential services.

We also want everyone to be aware of the big steps we’re taking, every single day, to ensure we offer all the support we possibly can so that we can continue to deliver critical services in these most challenging of times.

For the latest overview of all changes and support please visit

An overview of this week’s key updates

Events update

The Lord Mayor’s Celebration, due to take this July, will not go ahead this year.

Help/information for businesses

Nearly 800 Norwich businesses have now received their government grants, equating to nearly £14 million. By the end of today we will have paid out 40 per cent of our funding. 

Temporary accommodation and food provision

Since 27 March, 51 individuals have been offered accommodation, following government instructions to all local authorities.

If you are concerned about someone you have seen sleeping out, please report the details through Streetlink to help us manage information accurately.

Community response

Our network of over 500 volunteers continue to support the Norwich Community Response Hub.

Hundreds of food parcels are being delivered each week, and we have so far made over 2800 welfare calls to our most vulnerable citizens.

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