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Weekly update on the city’s response to COVID-19

Published on Thursday, 9th April 2020

We want to make sure residents and businesses in Norwich are kept well informed about the impact of coronavirus on essential services.

We also want everyone to be aware of the big steps we’re taking, every single day, to ensure we offer all the support we possibly can so that we can continue to deliver critical services in these most challenging of times.

For a daily overview of all changes and support please visit

An overview of this week’s key updates

Waste and recycling

Our crew love seeing all your thank you messages – it makes a real difference. 

Help/information for businesses

An appeal has been launched to urge businesses and communities across Norfolk to help secure supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for workers in vital services.

Grants for businesses update: We’ve paid out over £9 million of government grant payments to local businesses this week, but there’s lots more to come. 

Emergency accommodation and food provision

44 people facing homelessness have been accommodated since 27 March, following government instructions to all local authorities.

If you are concerned about someone you have seen sleeping out, please report the details through Streetlink to help us manage information accurately.

Community response

The Norwich Community Hub is working tirelessly to provide vital services to those in need of support. This is one of a number of hubs doing vital work across the county. Find out more about our Norfolk community response.

Using allotments

If you're an allotment holder, there are some important things we're asking you to do/not do when working on your plot to help keep you and others safe and well. Find out more about allotments.

Please continue to support all of the work being done to protect each other by staying at home this bank holiday weekend.

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