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Update on the city’s response to COVID-19

Published on Friday, 3rd April 2020

We want to make sure residents and businesses in Norwich are kept well informed about the impact of coronavirus on essential services.

We also want everyone to be aware of the big steps we’re taking, every single day, to ensure we offer all the support we possibly can so that we can continue to deliver critical services in these most challenging of times.

For a daily overview of all changes and support please visit

Here's an overview of this week’s key messages -

Waste and recycling
The crews are doing a fantastic job keeping services running and currently all our collections are continuing.

Help for businesses
The council is now able to pay government grants to many businesses, as well as offer business rate relief. Fill in our grants form and read more.  

Council tax support
Norwich residents who are currently receiving council tax reduction will pay zero council tax for the coming year. 

Emergency accommodation and food provision
We’ve adapted our services to make sure people facing homelessness or those accessing food in the city are supported in line with government guidance on social distancing. Read more about emergency accommodation and food provision.

Organisations delivering key services are invited to join our scheme that provides their staff with free parking.

Parking permit holders are having their permits automatically extended, free of charge, for three months. 

Community response
Letters were distributed to all city council residents this week, offering practical advice and guidance about how to protect themselves and others during this time.

We’re proud and delighted to have already marshalled a significant network of volunteers who are working tirelessly to support the most vulnerable in our city.

This volunteer network has been out and about delivering food and essential medical supplies to those unable to leave their homes. Our fellow local authorities and other agencies across Norfolk are all delivering similar vital functions.

Stay home and stay safe Norwich.

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