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Council tax discount scheme for Norwich gets go ahead

Published on Wednesday, 26th February 2020

For the seventh year running, Norwich City Council has voted to retain its council tax reduction scheme in order to provide support to those under the most financial pressure.

The decision to continue with the scheme was made at budget council yesterday.

Central government abolished the national council tax benefit scheme for working age people in 2013, leaving it up to local authorities to replace it with local policy.

Norwich is one of the only councils to retain a 100 per cent council tax discount for working age residents, meaning the most financially vulnerable are exempt from paying.

The council has also added proactive measures to support residents who may be struggling with the move onto Universal Credit.

Care leavers, people affected by domestic violence and those providing accommodation for asylum seekers or refugees – part of an ongoing commitment to Norwich City of Sanctuary, are among those to benefit from the discount provision.

Cabinet member for financial and social inclusion, Cllr Karen Davis, said: “I’m proud that Norwich has chosen to retain our council tax discount scheme, demonstrating our determination to support residents most in need, despite the challenging financial situation brought on by the shortfall in government funding

“We work closely with a consortium of local advice agencies which enables us to identify areas for improvement, and adapt the way we deliver services accordingly. This all supports our commitment to the Norwich 2040 Vision theme of a fair city as well as our corporate priorities.”

Read the full council tax reduction scheme papers

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