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Norwich City Council budget consultation 2020-21

Published on Thursday, 19th December 2019

The city council has launched its budget consultation 2020-21 which focuses on a proposed increase in council tax for the next financial year, as well as their approach to savings.

Over the last ten years, the council has achieved over £30m worth of savings, new income and efficiencies. This has meant that service provision has been protected so far, however the future isn’t so good.

Due to a massive drop in government grants, as well as the rising cost of living, there is a need to fill a funding gap of £10m from 2021-25.

Cllr Paul Kendrick, cabinet member with responsibility for finance said: “We are conscious of the impact of any council tax increase on Norwich residents and continue to urge the government to properly fund local councils and local services.

“Despite the financial challenges, the council isn’t proposing any cuts to services in the next financial year. Instead, we’re adapting by generating more income and making savings and efficiencies where appropriate.

Council tax remains an important means of funding and I urge people to give their views through this consultation.”

You can give us your views on options to increase council tax as well as our approach to savings by completing the questionnaire online by midnight on Friday 24 January 2020.

Information can also be provided in a print format by calling the council on 0344 980 333 or dropping into the customer contact centre at city hall.

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