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Honorary alderman status for former city councillor

David Bradford Published on Thursday, 26th September 2019

Norwich City Council’s longest serving councillor has received a prestigious title recognising his exemplary service to the city.

David Bradford who served as city councillor for Crome Ward from 1978 until 2019 was given the honorary title of alderman – the highest honour the council can bestow on former elected members.

As well as chairing many major council committees, David’s achievements include a term as Lord Major (1988-1989) and receiving an MBE for his community work across Norwich. He was also an active campaigner for disability rights, which he continues to champion.

Cllr Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council, said: “David is fully deserving of the title of ‘Alderman of Norwich’ for his incredible efforts during his forty years of service.”

“This is a truly prestigious title to hold, and it shows the high regard in which David is held for the time and commitment he has given to our city during his time as a councillor.”

David received his title at a specially convened meeting of full council on Tuesday 24 September 2019.

What is honorary alderman status?

Honorary alderman status can only be bestowed on a former councillor who has provided eminent services to the council.  

The title is derived from the Old English title of ealdorman, literally meaning "elder man". Honorary Aldermen/women do not have any special rights or privileges, but will be part of civic ceremonies as determined by the council.

  • The title of Honorary Alderman may be conferred on a former councillor who has "in the opinion of the Council rendered eminent services to the council" as a past member (Local Government Act 1972 S249(1))
  • It cannot be conferred on a serving member (and if an alderman returns to council office the honour is suspended)
  • A resolution to confer aldermanic status must be considered at a special meeting of the council convened for that purpose. The resolution must be passed by not less than two-thirds of the members
  • An alderman may attend and take part in such civic ceremonies as the council may decide.He/she has no right to attend and speak at meetings or to be paid allowances.
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