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Hundreds more residents benefit from recycling incentive

Published on Monday, 10th June 2019

Council tenants and leaseholders living in flats will be urged to start recycling more of their leftovers with a package of initiatives designed to make food recycling easier.

From week commencing Monday 10 June, residents living in council-owned flats with communal waste and recycling facilities, will receive a small kitchen caddy, two rolls of caddy liners, plus a recycling leaflet with the aim of driving up food recycling rates.

A ‘No food waste please’ sticker will also be stuck on the communal refuse bins. This is not a ban, but highlights that residents should be using their food waste collection instead of the rubbish bin.  

Food recycling rates in Norwich almost doubled last year following the huge success of the council’s WRAP-funded food waste intervention Feed your caddy, which targeted householders in the city. Further funding has meant the campaign can be rolled out to include even more residents.  

Councillor Kevin Maguire, Norwich City Council cabinet member for recycling, said: “We want to make it as easy as possible for all our residents to recycle their food waste. Ideally, we’d all be producing less food waste in the first place, but for the unavoidable leftovers, using your kitchen caddy makes perfect sense.

“What’s more, Norwich food is recycled into energy and fertilizer, which is so much better than throwing it away – I’d urge everyone to get food savvy and feed their caddy!”

Feed your caddy also highlights the importance of reducing food waste in the first place through sharing tips and ideas via Norwich City Council’s social media channels. 

For more information about recycling food waste and to order a caddy.

Keep up to date by following @norwichcc hashtag #feedyourcaddynorwich

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