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Special status for much-loved woods

Published on Monday, 27th February 2017

West Earlham Woods – made up of Twenty Acre Wood and Bunkers Hill Wood – has recently been granted special status thanks to the passion of a local group.

Friends of West Earlham Woods – a local community based group that does much to improve the sites through the nature events it co-ordinates and its work to tackle issues such as fly-tipping – asked the council to pursue its designation as Norwich’s ninth local nature reserve.

To be declared a local nature reserve (LNR), a site must be of interest for its biodiversity or geology and open for the public to access. The status offers strong legal protection to sites and the wildlife they contain and help to raise their profile.

At the end of last year, the council’s cabinet committee agreed to the site being designated this special status. And this move has been given official support by Natural England – the government’s wildlife conservation adviser responsible for overseeing LNRs – much to the delight of the friends group and pupils from West Earlham Infant School who cherish the woods.

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