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Celebrating the Living Wage

Published on Friday, 28th October 2016

Talks, literary readings and information stalls will form part of a programme of activities and events to celebrate Norwich’s third Living Wage Week.

The initiative, which has attracted wide support from a range of key city employers, is being co-ordinated by local charity Living Wage Norwich and Norwich City Council, which has accredited status as a Living Wage Employer.

Its aim is to push for better pay for the lowest-paid workers and to persuade businesses of the merits of paying the Living Wage to their employees.

Activities are being hosted by a number of organisations including Aviva, The Forum, Norwich Writers Centre, and local trade unions, with the main events taking place from Monday 31 October to Friday 4 November.

In Norwich, 28 per cent of families are categorised as deprived and 31 per cent of children as living in poverty. Norwich employees are, on average, paid 13.5 per cent less than full time employees in the UK, which means many thousands are paid well below the current Living Wage.

The Living Wage rate for 2017 will be announced at the opening event on Monday 31 October at City Hall. 

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of Norwich City Council, said: “Advocating for employers across the city to pay the Living Wage is an important political priority.

"Insufficient income, which is the root cause of poverty and hardship, excludes people from fully participating in the life of our city and from achieving their full potential."
"Living Wage Week is a great opportunity to celebrate our commitment to a fair wage for all.”

Daniel Childerhouse, chairman of Living Wage Norwich, said:
“In-work poverty is often an issue which is overlooked, but some families are working all the hours they can, and still having to make tough choices such as whether to buy their children clothes, or to heat their home. 
“The Living Wage offers those families a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work which means they can live instead of simply surviving, and that’s incredibly important for the children, families and communities of Norwich.”

To access the full list of events being staged throughout Norwich’s Living Wage Week, visit where you can find full details.

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