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East Norwich Masterplan

Various images of East Norwich

The masterplan commission for East Norwich is now complete. A masterplan, draft supplementary planning document and supporting documents have now been produced.

Consultants Avison Young, Allies and Morrison, Hydrock and RPS were appointed to produce the masterplan, working with stakeholders. The work was funded through a mixture of Town Deal funding from the government and public and private funding from members of the East Norwich Partnership (see below). 

Stage 1

The Stage 1 masterplan was approved by Cabinet on 17 November 2021. The Stage 1 masterplan document is available in two parts:

Stage 2

The Stage 2 masterplan project was completed in May 2022 and reported to Cabinet on 8 June 2022. Cabinet resolved on 8 June 2022 to:

  1. approve the Stage 2 illustrative masterplan and essential infrastructure plan
  2. endorse the Stage 2 outputs comprising the Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the accompanying Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and Delivery Report 
  3. agree to participate in a Stage 3 exercise, led and funded by Homes England, with Norwich City Council providing project management and other inputs, to be undertaken over the autumn/winter 2022 
  4. agree to delegate authority to the executive director of development and city services, in consultation with the cabinet member for inclusive and sustainable growth, to make further amendments to the Draft SPD prior to consultation
  5. approve that statutory public consultation will be undertaken on the final draft of the SPD, with timing contingent on the GNLP process

Cabinet report and masterplan documents 8 June 2022

Stage 3: completed

A Delivery Strategy report, and a Financial Model were completed in June 2023, commissioned and funded by Homes England. The Delivery Strategy Report is Commercially in Confidence, and therefore not published.

Stage 4: Pre-delivery stage

Work is proceeding on a number of fronts including continuing engagement with landowners and stakeholders, on technical and legal/procedural issues.

East Norwich Masterplan news 

See news stories about East Norwich

East Norwich Partnership Board (2020 – May 2022)

A new public-private partnership, the East Norwich Partnership, was set up in early 2020 to drive forward the regeneration of East Norwich. The Partnership Board is led by Norwich City Council, and membership includes Homes England, Network Rail, landowners and relevant local authorities. The Board secured funding from its members and the Towns Fund to enable the East Norwich masterplan to be commissioned in 2021.

East Norwich Delivery Board (October 2022 onwards) 

The East Norwich Delivery Board took over from the partnership board in October 2022. Its membership is Norwich City Council, Norfolk County Council, South Norfolk Council, Broadland District Council and the Broads Authority and Homes England.

Stakeholder and public engagement

Throughout the masterplanning process, landowners, residents, businesses and other interested parties were given a number of opportunities to ask questions and contribute their thoughts. Read more about engagement so far

Further consultation on the Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) being prepared for the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (ENSRA) is likely to take place in late summer 2024.

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