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Norwich Livestock Market


Norwich's livestock market has been trading on a site close to Hall Road since the 1960s and is now one of the last trading markets within East Anglia.

There are around 600 livestock farms across Norfolk, with Norwich livestock market providing an important facility for farmers from across Norfolk, Suffolk and the wider East Anglia region.

Norwich City Council has a statutory responsibility to provide, regulate and maintain a market within the city boundary. As leaseholder of the 3.25 acre site, the council is responsible for most of the repair liability.

Detailed survey work has shown that the repair work is extensive, reflecting the age of the facility and the need to introduce modern biosecurity and animal welfare standards which all markets must comply with.

Work includes the demolition of a former auction building, removal of asbestos across the site, refurbishment of the current auction building and major work to the parking areas and roadways. The repair work required is expected to cost up to £3m.

The extent of this work, the operational restrictions which control what the market can undertake on the site and the lack of parking for large agricultural vehicles means further investment in the site would not provide value for money.

The council’s plans for the livestock market

The council is continuing to work closely with the market operator, its shareholders and the National Farmers Union who represent the interests of the wider farming community.

Feedback confirms that, in line with other market relocations around the country, livestock producers prefer a relocation outside the city boundary near major transport routes such as the A11 or A47.

To address these issues, the council is considering relocating the market to a new site outside the city boundary – something which requires a change in the law. This is being managed by a parliamentary agent on the council’s behalf and involves progressing a private bill through parliament. This can take up to 12 months to achieve.

Support for relocating the livestock market

The council ran a public consultation on the future of the livestock market during the summer of 2024. One of the key findings from the feedback showed overwhelming support for the proposal to relocate the market outside the council’s boundary, with 73 per cent in favour.

At a meeting of full council in October 2024, there was a unanimous and cross-party vote in support of progressing plans to seek legal consent to relocate the market outside the city’s boundary.

Draft private bill 
Published 27 November 2024

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