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Winter gritting - housing

1.    Introduction

1.1    Norwich City Council is committed to ensuring our housing blocks and estates are well-kept, meet all regulatory requirements and are safe for use. 
1.2    This policy outlines Norwich City Council’s winter gritting policy for housing sites.
1.3    The winter gritting policy applies to the communal areas of a housing estate or block that are shared. These are areas that residents have the right to use in common with other residents, and which we, as a landlord and freeholder are responsible, these include but are not limited to: 

  • communal entrances
  • communal car parks 
  • any shared external stairwell, balcony or access path
  • communal gardens
  • bin stores
  • drying areas

1.4    The policy applies to general needs and sheltered housing  

2.    Relevant legislation

2.1    There is no legislation in place that provides guidance and legal obligations on winter gritting for the management of housing land owned by local authorities.   

3.    Policy details

Sheltered Schemes

3.1    Winter gritting is provided where higher risks may be considered to present a risk. The sheltered schemes, and sheltered housing car parks will receive a gritting service. This will be based on ground temperature forecasts: e.g. Frost, ice and / or snow is forecast to occur by the Met Office. (There is not surface temperature for the option we have chosen) 
A contractor service will operate the scheme and attend as required. Responsibility for the specification and monitoring of the service is with the Sheltered housing team leader. 

The following sheltered schemes apply:

Site name Postcode
Alfred Nicholls Court NR3 3JX
Alnwick Court NR5 9LD
Bailey Court  NR2 4RA
Bradecroft NR5 9DS
Brewers Court  NR3 1LY
Custance Court NR4 7BG
Causeway Close NR2 2UP
Don Pratt Court NR3 1LZ
Douro House NR2 4BG
Fellowes Close NR5 8BZ
Forester Close NR4 6BJ
Fugill Green/Road NR7 9QZ
George Carver Court NR4 7ET
Gildencroft  NR3 1DS
Harry Perry Close NR4 6PU
Longbow Close NR4 6AX
Meadowsweet NR6 6JG
Melbourne Cottages  NR2 2SW
Millers Lane  NR3 3LU
Rowland Court NR1 1TJ
90-100 Russell Street NR2 2QU
Ryrie Court NR4 7QL
Seabrook Court NR5 9NQ
Silkfields NR3 3BD
Silver Birch Court NR3 2NL
Singer Court and 49-53 St Georges Street NR3 1BT
St James House  NR3 1NU
Stone Road  NR3 2JZ
Waddington Court NR2 4EP

3.2    The costs for the service are incurred within the housing revenue account, and therefore paid within service charges for sheltered schemes.

General Needs Housing

3.3    Norwich City Council does not provide a winter gritting service to communal (shared) use areas of general needs housing estates. 

3.4    Norwich City Council does not provide a winter gritting service to paths/pavements through general housing estates. 

4.    Review

4.1    We will review this policy to address legislative, regulatory, best practice or operational issues, otherwise every 3 years.

Published: 20 September 2024
Next review date: 20 September 2027

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