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Tenant Satisfaction Measures: representative survey sample

The sample is based on the gender, age, disability and ethnicity of our wider tenant population, as well as property types and geographical area, and so no weighting was applied to any of the results.



Gender Survey respondents Tenant Population
Male 37% 39%
Female 62% 59%
Any other category 1% 1%


Disability Survey respondents Tenant population
No reported disability 75% 77%
Reported disability
25% 23%

Age group

Age group Survey respondents Tenant population
15-24 5% 3%
25-34 21% 15%
35-44 20% 20%
45-54 18% 18%
55-64 15% 18%
65-74 10% 13%
75-84 9% 9%
85+ 3% 4%

Ethnic group

Ethnic group Survey respondents Tenant population
Asian/Asian British 2% 2%
Black / African / Caribbean /Black British 3% 3%
Mixed heritage 2% 1%
Other ethnic groups 1% 1%
Unknown 2% 2%
White - British/United Kingdom 82% 85%
White - non British 7% 6%


Property type

Property type Survey respondents Tenant population
Bedsit 0% 0%
Bungalow 7% 6%
Flat 49% 49%
House 40% 41%
Maisonette 4% 3%

Geographical area

Geographical area Survey respondents Tenant population
East 27% 28%
North 30% 31%
South 21% 20%
West 22% 22%

Management type

Management type Survey respondents Tenant population
General needs 94% 94%
Sheltered 6% 6%


Bedrooms Survey respondents Tenant population
1 bedroom 24% 24%
2 bedrooms 37% 35%
3 bedrooms 36% 37%
4+ bedrooms 3% 3%
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