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What we are doing

While our latest Biodiversity Strategy has only just been adopted, it builds on many years of successful care and stewardship of Norwich’s green spaces and the wildlife that calls Norwich its home. Find out more about some of the things that we’re doing below. 

Norwich Fringe Project

Established in 1991 the Norwich Fringe Project works with volunteers, local communities and parish councils to look after the green spaces in and around Norwich. The Fringe Project looks after a range of habitats and sites including woodlands, meadows, marshes, heathlands and ponds. Sites you might have heard of include Kett’s Heights, Whitlingham Marsh, and UEA Marsh/Fen.

Find out more about the Norwich Fringe Project and potential volunteering opportunities.

Local Nature Reserves

We also manage eight Local Nature Reserves in Norwich, which provide an array of important habitats such as woodland, lowland heath, and grazing marshland. All of these sites are open to visitors and include places you might have heard of include Bowthorpe Marshes, Earlham Park Woods, and Mousehold Heath.

Find out more about the Local Nature Reserves.

Parks and open spaces

As well as the sites managed by the Norwich Fringe Project and our eight Local Nature Reserves, Norwich also has an impressive array of other parks and open spaces. Whilst many of our parks are devoted to sports and recreation, they still provide excellent opportunities to enjoy the benefits of spending time in green spaces. Whether that’s by the river at Wensum Park, or in the woods at Eaton Park, they also provide a great place to keep an eye out for wildlife.

For more information, and to find a park near you, view the parks and open spaces pages.

City council operations 

Part of our latest Biodiversity Strategy involves the city council looking into how our own operations impact biodiversity, and how we can ensure that our actions benefit, rather than harm, nature. This work is currently ongoing, but will involve all aspects of our activity including how we manage our parks, social housing and urban landscapes. 

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