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Warm and well spaces

Warm spaces

Many Norwich households are struggling with the cost of living, particularly the cost of energy to heat their homes, which unfortunately remains high. We understand that people are still having to make tough decisions around when to heat their home and even if they can afford to do so.

To help you keep warm this winter, you can find the details of warm spaces that are being offered by local community organisations in and around Norwich. You’ll find details about when the space is open and the activities on offer.

All Norfolk libraries provide a warm space to meet, and have a warm drink, during the winter months. They also offer free internet access and activities such as knit and natter, board games and bounce and rhyme sessions. Additionally, the Household Support Fund is enabling all 47 libraries to provide free hot water bottles, blankets and draught excluders and toiletry bags with bodywash toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo, as well Tricky Period sanitary packs.

Protect your health this winter by keeping warm and well

Your health and well-being are important. There are things you can do to protect yourself and those around you. For further advice and support, visit the Improving lives website to find information about local health services, the wide range of hardship support available, and get top tips to keep yourself healthy, warm and well this winter:

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