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My Norwich

Hay Hill project

Update - 19 June 2024

A spokesperson for Norwich City Council said: “We are working with the contractor, Tarmac, to complete work to open Hay Hill at the earliest opportunity. Once we have a firm date for completion from Tarmac, we will officially invite people to come along and see the redevelopment of a much-loved part of our city centre this summer. 
 “Thank you to everyone for their patience, especially nearby businesses who have seen the project progress over several months, while we work with Tarmac to get the project complete so it’s available for everyone to enjoy.”

Hay Hill, formerly the marketplace for hay and other goods brought in from the surrounding countryside, is now one of the largest urban open spaces in the city centre and is a key public space on the route between Chantry Place and Norwich Market. Hay Hill’s position in the city means it has huge potential and we want to make sure we make the very best use of this space to benefit the city as a whole.

Aims of the Hay Hill project:

  • Create a reimagined, vibrant and accessible open space within the city centre. 
  • Transform the space so that it can be used for events and cultural activities. 
  • Improve walking links between Norwich Market, Millennium Plain, Gentleman’s walk and Chantry Place. 
  • Attract investment and boost the visitor economy by improving the quality and look of the area.

Progress so far

Public consultation

We carried out a public consultation between Monday 28 February and Friday 25 March 2022 – thanks to everyone who took part. See consultation feedback and responses.

On-going stakeholder consultation and engagement

As part of our public engagement, it’s vital we understand the needs and thoughts of our stakeholders. We’ve been working directly with those in and around the Hay Hill area, groups with a particular interest in the project, and accessibility groups. 

Read about our plans to relocate the smaller sculptures on Hay Hill following public consultation and stakeholder involvement.

Detailed design phase

This is the really exciting part! Our landscape architects together with the design team developed new designs based on the consultation and stakeholder feedback.

They have produced some visualisations from the 3D model they have been working with to show what the changes to Hay Hill could look like.

We also created tactile and a scale model specifically for engagement with the blind and partially sighted to communicate the layout and discuss design features or alterations to help make the space accessible to as many people as possible.

The models have been well received and the design team are continuing to develop the detailed elements of the design in liaison with stakeholders.

Work begins

Construction works started in April 2023 and are on track to be completed in summer 2024.

The sculptures that were previously on Hay Hill have been relocated to Eaton Park.

 The statue of Thomas Browne has already returned to Hay Hill, taking up a more prominent position in the final design.

The city council continue to work closely with the Business Improvement District, local businesses and events organisers to minimise disruption during the construction and ensure that the city centre remains fully accessible.

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