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Who is involved

The East Norwich Partnership has appointed a consultant team with extensive experience in masterplanning sensitive locations and delivering high quality, successful mixed-use sustainable communities which embrace their history and local context.

East Norwich Partnership

The East Norwich Partnership is an informal partnership which has been formed to oversee the production and implementation of the masterplan. Such an ambitious and long-term project can only be made possible by the support of a range of key stakeholders, who will work collectively to progress their vision for the site over the coming years.

The plans for east Norwich supports two of the key themes of the city council’s Covid-19 recovery plan: business and the local economy; housing, regeneration and development. The East Norwich Partnership board members include:

  • Norwich City Council
  • Norfolk County Council
  • Broadland and South Norfolk Council
  • Broads Authority
  • Network Rail
  • New Anglia LEP
  • Homes England
  • National Grid
  • RWE Enterprises
  • Serruys Property Company
  • Fuel Properties

The consultant team

A multidisciplinary team, led by regeneration and property specialists Avison Young and comprised of masterplanners Allies and Morrison, multidisciplinary engineering firm Hydrock and cost consultants RPS has been appointed to build on the vision to develop a masterplan for the site which will  form the basis of a supplementary planning document (SPD) to support policies in the Greater Norwich Local Plan. 

Masterplanners Allies and Morrison have been responsible for some of the most significant and high quality masterplans in the UK, including King’s Cross, the 2012 Olympic Masterplan, and York Central. Each of these masterplans puts placemaking at its heart, and is shaped and informed by the site’s history, remaining heritage assets, and natural features. Each has had a set of complex challenges which the masterplans have overcome successfully to deliver a destination and sustainable neighbourhood.

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King's Cross Masterplan
London 2012 Olympics Masterplan
York central Masterplan
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