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Town Deal project: Public Realm

Hay Hill impression

Artist's impression of Hay Hill

The Public Realm project was awarded funding as part of the Town Deal programme in 2020. This originally had two elements - with a plan to transform Hay Hill into a space that residents and visitors could enjoy, and enhancements to St Giles Street to encourage economic investment and increased footfall.

Following a decision by the Town Deal Board, and agreement from The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Hay Hill will become the single focus of the Town Deal Public Realm project. Increased costs due to inflation meant that there is not enough funding to complete both Hay Hill and St Giles to the standard these important locations deserve. 

This means that the development of the St Giles project has been paused until alternative funding can be found. The city council will continue to work with colleagues at Norfolk County Council to identify alternative funding to allow the project to proceed at a later date. The County Council received valuable feedback on the St Giles project through the public consultation in May 2022. When funding allows the project to be restarted, this feedback will be used to shape the scheme.

Hay Hill 

Hay Hill is one of few open spaces within the city centre; however complicated level changes, site furniture and a complex layout currently hinder the ability of city residents and visitors to easily walk through, sit on the steps and enjoy the activities around them. A clearer central area will encourage extended use and host cultural activities and events. In December 2022 we revealed our plans for the transformation of Hay Hill following an extensive public and stakeholder consultation. More about the Hay Hill project.

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