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Norwich Town Deal projects

Eight core projects will support the delivery of jobs, homes, skills and action to reduce our carbon emissions. Projects include activities which ensure all our residents directly benefit from the proposed investment.

The Digital Hub

The purpose of this project is to develop a new start-up and grow-on space for digital businesses in Norwich, providing a focal point for the sector as a whole.

About the Digital Hub project

Townshend House

Digi-Tech Factory

The Digi-Tech Factory will provide a modern, industry-standard and efficient environment to meet the skills shortages within the digital sector.

About the Digi-Tech Factory project


ACE Centre

The ACE Centre will create key technologically-enabled learning environments to support advanced engineering and manufacturing, sustainable transport, advanced construction and digital technologies.

About the ACE Centre project

Digi-Tech ACC

The Revolving Fund

We will establish a Revolving Fund to unlock stalled brownfield sites in order to deliver energy efficient, modern homes and workspaces to meet the needs of a growing and dynamic city economy.

About the Revolving Fund project

New housing on Kings Arms site

The Halls

By upgrading The Halls, a unique city centre heritage asset, into a multi-use performance venue we will enable Norwich to capitalise on the rapidly growing cultural economy in the city.

About The Halls project

The Halls

East Norwich masterplan

This project will develop a comprehensive Masterplan for East Norwich, enabling the city council and partners to ensure that the new urban quarter becomes a high-quality addition to the city, providing a base for the long-term growth of Norwich.

About the East Norwich masterplan

Carrow works artist impression

Public Realm

Improving areas of public realm involves investing in public spaces in the city centre, to redesign and regenerate urban spaces and improve connectivity and navigation over the next five years.

About the Public Realm project

Hay Hill visual 3


This project will establish a cohesive commercial proposition for Norwich as ‘the place’ for business and promote the city as one of the best places in the world to live, learn, work and succeed.

About the Branding project

Work in Norwich logo
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