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My Norwich

Development and city services

Executive director

Graham Nelson

Graham Nelson

Director of housing delivery

Dave Shaw

Dave Shaw


  • Mile Cross
  • Argyle Street
  • Three Score, phase three
  • Delivery of NRL business plan

Heads of service

Andy Summers – head of environment services

Andy Summers, head of environment services


  • Waste and recycling
  • Street cleaning
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Allotments
  • Cemeteries
  • Parking and civil enforcement
  • Area management
  • Management of Norwich Market

Sarah Ashurst – head of planning and regulatory services

Sarah Ashurst,  head of planning and regulatory services


  • Planning policy
  • Planning enforcement
  • Development management
  • Building control
  • Sustainable transport
  • Conservation, design and landscape
  • Environmental health and public protection
  • Licensing and street trading
  • Private sector housing regulation and enforcement
  • Health and safety
  • Emergency planning

Mark Brown – head of property and economic development

Mark Brown, head of property and economic development


  • Client to NCSL for general fund building services
  • Asset management strategy (non-housing)
  • Commercial portfolio and council owned non-housing asset management
  • Private sector housing development and commissioner of NRL
  • Economic development
  • Towns Deal delivery
  • Housing needs and RTB strategy
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