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Change in household for benefits

If you are receiving Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction you need to tell us immediately if someone has moved in or out of your home so we can make sure your benefit is correct – this can be a partner, non-dependant, lodger, joint tenant or child.

To tell us about a change

You need to access Benefits Online to tell us about a change. To do this you first need to sign up to My Account:

  1. Visit to register or sign in to My Account
  2. In My Account, select the View my Benefits link to access Benefits Online
  3. Ensure you have all the evidence of changes we need, shown below

Register or sign in to My Account

If you need help to do this see how to manage your benefit claim.

Changes we need to know about

If you have any evidence of the change, as shown below, you should submit it when you complete the online form. Do not delay in telling us about the change if you are waiting for evidence – you can submit this later.

We cannot work out your benefit until you have provided all the evidence that we ask for.

If a partner has moved in – you will need to provide:

If a non-dependant has moved in – you will need to provide:

If a joint tenant has moved in – you will need to provide:

  • proof of the new rent liability eg a tenancy agreement or letter from the landlord or landlord’s agent, confirming who is liable for the rent.

If you have had a child – you will need to provide:

  • the birth certificate or
  • proof of child benefit for the child

Other evidence we may need

We will contact you if we need more evidence or information.


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