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My Norwich

Covid-19 measures

Updated 4 April 2022

The government announced that England will follow the ‘Living with Covid’ guidance from 21 February 2022.

All domestic legal restrictions have been removed including self-isolation and self-isolation payments, daily/weekly testing, contact tracing, face coverings and covid passes.

From Friday 1 April, free symptomatic and asymptomatic tests for the general public will also end, although these will still available for patients in hospital, people eligible for treatments because they are at higher risk of getting seriously ill and those living or working in high-risk settings such as care homes or the NHS.

For more information visit the government website.

Even though the legal requirements have been phased out, guidance and advice remain in place around:

  • Letting fresh air in if you meet indoors; meeting outdoors is safer
  • Wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed settings where you’re likely to encounter people you do not normally meet
  • Staying at home if you are feeling unwell
  • Washing your hands regularly

Visiting NHS buildings

The requirement to wear a face covering in NHS buildings and other healthcare settings will not change. Patients and visitors who are not exempt from wearing a face covering should continue to wear one, follow social distancing and hand hygiene guidance.

If patients are exempt from wearing a mask, a face shield may be offered as an alternative.

Businesses and organisations

Some businesses and organisations, for example transport operators or shops, may still request that people wear a face covering and/or provide a covid pass, which means you may be refused access if you do not comply.

Travelling abroad

Please continue to check requirements for travelling abroad.

Test and Trace service

Following the government announcement in February 2022, any previous Test and Trace guidance has now been withdraw and replaced with the Living With Covid contact guidance.

Because of these national changes local contact tracing is no longer undertaken.

While you’re no longer required by law to self-isolate if you have COVID-19, you should stay at home and avoid contact with other people to help reduce the chance of passing it on to others. 

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