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Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)

Vehicle-related antisocial behaviour PSPO

Anti-social behaviour associated with gatherings of people and vehicles in public spaces is a nuisance for residents and businesses and reduces their feelings of safety. More than 150 people responded to the publication consultation on this issue, and the vast majority supported introducing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). The introduction of this PSPO will help address the issue of vehicle nuisance, car meets, and associated anti-social behaviours.

The Order was agreed at Cabinet on 12 July 2023 and came into effect on 26 July 2023 for a period of three years.

Signed vehicle nuisance PSPO

Frequently asked questions

Why do we need the PSPO?
Norfolk Police and Norwich City Council have been receiving reports of antisocial and nuisance behaviour related to the congregation of vehicles for many years. These incidents have been reported a number of locations across the city. 

The congregations are not formal events, although they are organised and can involve significant numbers of vehicles – in some cases over 100 at a time.   

Thes events are not just people gathering to enjoy and talk about their vehicles. Unfortunately a minority also like to behave in a way that is a severe nuisance to those living in the vicinity and can include dangerous driving, stunts, speeding, playing loud music and at times, when approached and asked to quieten down residents have been threatened and abused by drivers or their associates. 

To date we have been lucky in Norfolk that there have not been such serious incidents as experienced elsewhere in the country. The PSPO is intended to minimise the risk of potential tragic consequences which are more likely the longer the issue goes unaddressed. 

Why don’t the Police just use their existing powers? 
The PSPO is not intended to replace the use of existing tools and powers but to complement them. The Police will continue to use existing tools and powers. The implementation of the PSPO in Norwich has been informed by the experience of other areas in Norfolk and across the country. 

Will the PSPO penalise people meeting in their cars for a picnic and listening to the radio?
No. The PSPO is designed to address the congregations of vehicles where there is evidence of nuisance behaviour as outlined in the clauses of the PSPO. Merely congregating is not an offence under the PSPO. Norwich City Council and Norfolk Police will be working closely on the implementation and enforcement of the PSPO and it will be focussed on addressing activity and behaviours that are having a detrimental impact on those living in, working in, or visiting the locality. 

Why don’t you provide a space for these activities away from residents?
The activities the PSPO is designed to address are anti-social and at times dangerous. Neither Norwich City Council nor Norfolk Police can condone or facilitate such behaviour. There are existing organised events where car enthusiasts can meet and share their love of their vehicles in a more orderly manner. 

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