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Domestic abuse and violence

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Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence.

Those experiencing domestic abuse and violence can be reassured that help is still accessible and this webpage is regularly updated to reflect available support. 

Alongside partners, the council is working to ensure those who experience domestic abuse know help is still available and they need not suffer in silence.

Our Domestic Abuse Policy sets out our commitment to taking appropriate action when dealing with residents reporting domestic abuse.

How to get help

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk, then the police will always respond to emergency calls on 999. To contact the police when it is not an emergency, call 101. 

Silent Solution calls to the police

If speaking or making an immediate sound would put you in danger and you need immediate help, call 999 and stay on the line, then press 55 when prompted. The call will then be transferred to the police, who will know it is an emergency call.

Local domestic abuse services

The Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) offers free, confidential, and non-judgemental support to those impacted by domestic abuse.

NIDAS’ trained and skilled staff can support those at risk and will develop a personalised action plan with everyone they work with, to help people to move on from abuse with increased confidence and well-being. The service will be operational seven days per week, between 9am and 6:30pm on weekdays, and between 9am and 3pm on weekends.

For more information on how NIDAS can help you, or someone you know, visit

Alternatively, you can contact NIDAS in the following ways:

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Those who are assessed to be at standard risk of harm can still receive support services from Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care, more information at

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care: 0300 303 3706

Specialist support 

Sue Lambert Trust: 01603 622406

SARC – Sexual Assault Referral Centre – The Harbour Centre: 01603 276381 (24/7)

The Deaf Health Charity Signhealth - 020 3947 2600

Other useful local services

Norfolk Community Law Service: 01603 496623 / 07900 153753 (Clients can contact for appointments)

Norfolk and Suffolk Wellbeing Service 0300 123 1503 – Lines open 9am-5pm
Website: access support through your GP or any other health or social care professional, or you can self-refer using the form.

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National domestic abuse helplines

Women’s Aid – 24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 or

Refuge – National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or contact the helpline via Refuge’s contact form at

GALOP (LBGT+ Anti-violence charity): Helpline 0800 999 5428

Mankind Initiative (Male Victims): Helpline 01823 334244

Men’s Advice Line (Male Victims): Helpline 0808 801 0327

Respect (working with abusers to change their behaviour and male victims of domestic abuse): 020 3559 6650

The Home Office has published guidance on GOV.UK signposting support to victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse (the information is available in multilanguages).

Economic Abuse

The charity Surviving Economic Abuse has produced guidance on economic abuse while self-isolating, as well as practical issues including benefits and sick pay. The guidance is updated regularly as the situation changes.

Mobile support and information available through Bright Sky app by Hestia

Bright Sky is a free to download mobile app, launched by Hestia in partnership with the Vodafone Foundation, providing support and information to anyone who may be in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone they know.

The app can be used by specialist, non-specialist practitioners, other employers, and for anyone looking for information about issues around domestic abuse such as online safety, stalking and harassment and sexual consent. Find out more about the app.

Child contact arrangements

Rights of Women have produced this guidance on COVID-19 and child contact arrangements.

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