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New tenancy agreement from 27 May 2024

Repair maintenance and safety of your home

8.1    We are responsible for keeping in repair:

  • the structure and exterior of your home (including drains, gutters, and external pipes).

We are responsible for keeping in repair and proper working order the installations for:

  • the supply of water, gas, and electricity
  • sanitation (for example basins, sinks, baths, and toilets)
  • heating (both space and water heating).

8.2    We must carry out those repairs provided:

  • the disrepair has not been caused by you
  • we know about the disrepair
  • we have your co-operation over access to your home for our staff and contractors
  • you make sure your home is free of tobacco smoke, or smoke from any other substance including e-cigarettes, when our staff and contractors attend your home by appointment. This is to protect the health and safety of our staff and others that we ask to visit your home.

8.3    You must treat the structure and exterior of your home and the installations with respect and report any defects to us at as soon as you are aware of them. We may charge you the cost of carrying out works that are necessary because you have failed to do so.

8.4    Remember you are responsible for other members of your household and visitors to your home (see paragraph 1.12). You must not allow them to damage your home.

8.5    You must ventilate your home and keep it at a reasonable temperature to minimise condensation.

8.6    You must keep the parts of your home that you are responsible for to a reasonable standard, carrying out minor repairs and maintenance, as necessary.

8.7   Paragraph 8.1 deals with what we must keep in repair and proper working order. In addition, you must maintain your home and all your own appliances safely and not do anything that compromises the safety of you and your neighbours. For example, you must:

  • not store anything that is a safety risk (including, petrol and other inflammable or toxic materials)
  • make sure your own gas and electrical appliances are serviced in accordance with manufacturers’ advice and provide us with evidence on request (paragraph 8.8 deals with bottled gas appliances)
  • maintain your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors so that they work properly.

8.8    Bottled gas appliances are prohibited indoors or in flats with balconies.

8.9    You must not store any personal belongings to such an excessive extent that we or our contractors are unable to gain access in accordance with paragraphs 11.1 to 11.3 (inspection and carrying out works) to the areas of your home required.

8.10    You must maintain your home to a standard of hygiene and good order, so you do not damage the fabric of the building, cause a nuisance or annoyance to your neighbours, or create a hazard for our staff or contractors.

8.11    You must not do anything to encourage vermin, including but not limited to ants, wasp nests, fleas, bed bugs, mice and rats so that they cause a nuisance and annoyance to your neighbours and/or or create a hazard for our staff or contractors. If we have to intervene and carry out work in default due to the presence of vermin then you will be charged for the cost of the work, including any legal costs.

8.12    Remember that your home includes any garden area (see paragraph 1.8). You must therefore maintain it in accordance with paragraphs 8.7 to 8.11 as to safety, access, hygiene, and good order.

8.13    You must also maintain and cultivate your garden to a neat and tidy standard. This includes any plants, shrubs, hedges and trees.

8.14    If neither you or any other member of your household can maintain and cultivate your garden in accordance with paragraphs 8.12 to 8.13 because of a physical or mental health condition, disability, or long-term illness, we may carry out the necessary work for you. If we do, you will be charged for the cost of the garden maintenance and/or other work.

8.15    You must cooperate over arrangements that apply from time to time for putting out your refuse and recyclable materials for collection.

8.16    We recommend that you take out insurance for your personal property (in other words your furniture, clothes, and other belongings) and other potential losses for which we are not responsible. Details of insurance arrangements that we can offer are available on and search insurance for tenants.

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