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New tenancy agreement from 27 May 2024

Occupation after your tenancy has ended

15.1    If Part 14C applies (tenancies ending by us getting a court order), your tenancy continues for as long as you remain in occupation.

15.2    If your tenancy ends otherwise (notice to quit by either of us or surrender), everybody must leave your home as soon as it ends. We may enforce our right to possession and evict anybody who does not do so by getting bailiffs to execute
a possession warrant.

15.3    In exceptional cases, we may delay such enforcement action for a limited time. This may be to give remaining occupants an opportunity to move elsewhere. Or it may be pending our decision whether to offer them a tenancy of that property.

15.4    Technically, people remaining in occupation after a tenancy has ended do not pay rent. But we are entitled to payment of the equivalent amount. Those payments are sometimes called charges for use and occupation or mesne profits. People who make those payments can apply for universal credit or housing benefit just as they would if they had to pay rent.

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