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Local Area Survey Privacy Notice

The Local Area Survey is a quarterly survey sent via text message to residents for their views on the city, their local area and the council. In addition to these questions, there are voluntary equalities monitoring questions at the end of the survey which can be opted out of.

Although the survey does not include personal data which is identifiable, it is still necessary to state below how the data will be stored and used.

Norwich City Council will ensure that this data is kept securely and that your responses will only be used to allow us to better understand our residents, their perceptions of the city/council, and for us to track our performance on key priority areas.

The voluntary equalities monitoring questions will also be used to help support our commitment to equality for all residents in Norwich and to help inform service improvement.

The data will be kept for no longer than is necessary and may be shared with partner organisations who can help analyse this data for these purposes.

Find out more information about our policy to Data Protection.

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