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Christmas and New Year closure information

Our offices and phone lines will be closed from 4pm on Tuesday 24 December and will reopen at 9am on Thursday 2 January.

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CCTV code of practice

Control room operation and administration


  • The control room will be staffed during peak times. Operators employed by the council are trained to a proficient level and licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
  • Training includes:
  • Use of equipment
  • Observation techniques
  • Council procedures and record keeping
  • Reporting procedures and action on incidents
  • Evidence handling
  • Actions in the event of an emergency
  • Legislation and crime prevention
  • Operational exercises.

All operators have a responsibility of confidentiality and have responsibility for their own actions to protect information and data given in accordance with the council’s corporate policies.

Staff may be required to provide the police with statements if required for evidential purposes.

Operating Efficiency

The first duty operator on shift will carry out a check to confirm the operational efficiency of the system and the link to the Police. Any defects will be reported to the maintenance contractor’s service desk. They will be logged, and remedial action will be taken.

All use of the cameras shall accord with the purposes and key objectives of the scheme and shall comply with the code of practice. CCTV monitoring operators will maintain a log of all incidents monitored. It will detail relevant actions taken by the operator and the reasons why, in accordance with legislation and this code.


The control room has a secure entrance lobby for added privacy and this will always remain secured. Routine access to the control room will be limited through an electronic door entry system to:

  • Duty CCTV staff
  • Designated officers of the council

Arrangements will apply to visitors and contractors as outlined below.


Organised visits for viewing the operation of the system will be arranged from time to time. These visits may be subject to change or termination at short notice to meet operational requirements. Operation of equipment will only be carried out by the duty operator. Visitors may be asked to make their request in writing specifying the reasons for that request.

It is important that operations are managed with minimal disruption. Casual visits will not be permitted. All visitors will sign a log detailing their name, organisation, purpose of visit and their arrival and departure times. This log will be subject to regular audit and assessed to ensure compliance with the code of practice.


Access for contractors will be necessary from time to time for the purpose of maintaining the control room and its equipment. This will be strictly limited to the work they are there to carry out.


The Police should not require access to the control room unless specifically designated or authorised. Police officers attending unexpectedly shall only be admitted after the purpose of the visit has been approved by contact with the acting community safety manager, early intervention or community safety officer. Their attendance will be logged.


A monitor is installed in the police control centre to enable live viewing of images. Pictures from any of the cameras may be relayed to this monitor at the instigation of the CCTV operator or at the request of the duty police officer. The police have no direct control of any cameras nor images relayed to their monitor. They do have access to recorded footage and access is strictly controlled and subject to a separate joint protocol.

A dedicated radio link with the police control room is provided for communication.

Operators are also able to communicate via separate radio link with users of Norwich BIDs Alert radio scheme.

Control of cameras

Control over the cameras is limited to the council’s trained officers only.

The monitoring operators must only use the cameras to view public areas and not to look in the interior of any private premises or any other area where an infringement of privacy of individuals may occur. The only exceptions to this rule are:

  • if an authorised operation is mounted under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (see separate policy)
  • an immediate response to a police or other enforcement agencies’ request for assistance following a crime being committed
  • if an operator, whilst operating the cameras in accordance with this code of practice, happens to observe something which they believe indicates that a serious crime is being or is about to be committed in a non-public area.

Any event where an operator takes a decision positively to view or continue viewing a private area must be entered into the incident log. The details must include location, time, date, camera number and the reason for the observation. Operators will be required to justify their actions. Any breach of this condition of employment will result in disciplinary proceedings and may lead to the dismissal of the operator.

Police role

The Police may request assistance and access to images to:

  • Assist with the deployment of resources
  • Monitor potential public disorder or other major security situations
  • Assist in the detection of crime
  • Facilitate the apprehension and prosecution of offenders in relation to crime and public order
  • Assist with the detection of moving traffic offences where public safety is at risk.

In these circumstances the police duty operator may request the duty CCTV monitoring operator to take further action. Where problems are anticipated or during large scale public events, arrangements can be made with the acting community safety manager for a police officer to be present within the CCTV control centre for liaison purposes.

Trained police officers have access to the council’s CCTV system for the purpose of reviewing recorded footage. There is a separate protocol covering this to make sure this is conducted within guidelines and only as part of a current ongoing legitimate investigation or operation.

Major incidents and events

Use of the CCTV system will be integrated into the council's emergency planning procedures during major civil emergencies and events. If required, the chief executive officer or their designated deputy will authorise the deployment of a liaison officer into the CCTV control room.

The duty CCTV monitoring operator will maintain control of the cameras. They will give assistance as required in all matters concerning the deployment and use of the facilities within the CCTV control room.

A police officer may also be deployed in the CCTV control room during major incidents and events. This will only be where prior arrangement has been made and agreed by the acting community safety manager.

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