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My Norwich

CCTV code of practice

Comments and complaints


Comments or enquiries regarding the system can be made via our contact us page or by emailing

Further information about the system and application forms to request footage are available through the CCTV pages of our website.


Complaints about the operation of the system should be made as soon as possible after the incident or the CCTV action causing the complaint. They will be dealt with in accordance with the council’s formal complaints procedure.

Contact addresses

Norwich City Council
City Hall
St Peters Street
Norwich NR2 1NH
Tel: 0344 980 3333

Information Commissioner‘s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate)
Tel: 01625 545 745 (national rate)

Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
Po Box 29105
London SW1V 1ZU
Tel: 0171 825 3421

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