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Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL)

How can NCIL be used?

The main guiding principle of using NCIL, is that it must be linked to growth. This can mean that it is either used in a way which supports existing growth, such as providing new amenities for increased populations, or allows for new growth in an area. 

It can be difficult to define growth as a term, so we break it down into a series of questions where a project should generally meet at least one to be deemed linked to growth:

Does the suggested project:

  • Increase or improve access to space where there are more people in the local area (eg from new housing or retail)?
  • Improve your community ahead of new developments happening locally?
  • Develop new activities and projects to serve a wider number of local residents?
  • Mitigate an issue caused by recent local development (such as new homes or shops)?
  • Ensure that a particular community is not left out of the benefits of local growth and expansion (eg with skills or overcoming barriers)?
  • Improve access to areas where growth and opportunity have increased from other parts of the city (eg transport to jobs or facilities)?
  • Improve accessibility where existing local space or assets will be made usable by more people locally (even without new resident growth)?
  • Improving the opportunities of individuals to access the benefits presented by local growth?
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