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Stuff Hubs

Norwich Stuff Hubs

Based on the successful Library of Things concept, our Stuff Hubs lend equipment and tools to help you maintain and improve your homes and gardens, from the basics like tape measures and paint brushes to step ladders and paste tables. For community groups there is equipment to help with community events and activities from bunting and teapots to projectors and gazebos.

Our Stuff Hubs Partners are: Future Projects from The Box on Woodcock Road and The Shoebox on Castle Meadow.  Future plan to open another hub at their Baseline centre very soon.

All items on offer from our Stuff Hubs are available via LUMi.

Mini Stuff Hubs

There is still funding available for Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VSCE) groups and organisations within Norwich to purchase kit to create a mini stuff hub and make the items available to share through LUMi.

If you have the space or would like to explore the possibilities of how it could work for your group, please email

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