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Get Involved

Get Involved logoThere is no shortage of people in Norwich who do what they can to make it a vibrant, safe, clean and friendly city.

Get Involved is our programme of support for those living and working in Norwich to participate in community activity easily in a way that suits them.

Residents are invited to identify things they’d like to do in their local neighbourhoods and communities and Get Involved provides support and guidance to help make those activities happen.

When you see the Get Involved logo, it’s a chance to do something great in the city.  It might be simply popping along to a street party or giving some time to make a local event happen; learning a new skill or sharing your own skills with others; visiting a local park event or starting a group to revive a neglected space. It’s all the ways we can work together to make our city even better.

If you want to start a conversation with us about something you’d like to do, email for more information.

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